Women have always had a soft spot for handbags. Big or little, black or brown, leather made or not, no matter how many handbags they have, they still aren’t enough. We always like to match them with our outfits and, give them that touch of elegance. Let’s not forget that bags don’t have only a beauty making purpose (as some would say) use as they are also an alternative to deposit all the women must have objects: the wallet, the make-up case, the cell-phone and many other things which utility men will never understand.
I have opened your appetite to see some handbags suggestions, haven’t I? In this case let’s proceed.

For those of you who like to attract the attention and to be special no matter the occasion the following bag
is the perfect alternative. No matter if you like vintage or hippie style, this bag offers you the possibility to attach it to many colorful outfits. I shall give you a suggestion: choose outfits with maximum two colors as the bag is already a real painting masterpiece. And avoid striped, flowered or colorful outfits. It will turn you into a total “flowers bouquet”. A beautiful hippie simple dress or a pair of vintage jeans will give you the necessary glimpse.

Cross-body bags
have always been my soft spot. Perfect for a night out with friends at a terrace or in a club, cross-body bags are very cozy. This one is the perfect leather cross bag example, appropriate to almost any kind of outfits: jeans and a nice white t-shirt, a nice hippie dress, a sheer silk dress with some brown leather boots.

If you are looking for a sport high utility bag, this is the perfect alternative. A rock style bag
because of the many zips and buckles which design it, it is perfect for a wild night out with friends. Jeans or leather pants next to a casual sport pair of black shoes help you make the perfect outfit.

A clutch is like the white shirt: it’s a must in every woman wardrobe. If you have to go to a special occasion (a wedding, a cocktail or dinner with your lover) this is the best choice. A black, polyester clutch
, designed by simple elegant lines it suitable to all kind of elegant outfits. No matter if you wear trousers or dresses, this clutch will give you the elegant glimpse you need at any special occasion.

If you are looking for a clutch suited not only to evening outfits but also to a daily cocktail this is the perfect choice. Elegant but in a casual manner, made for daring women who love to attract the attention this clutch
gives you the opportunity to remove the straps. It is available in many colors adequate to the outfit you have in mind to wear.

The above mentioned examples are only some suggestions so that you realize how much a handbag can change an outfit. Let your imagination fly and don’t be afraid to try daring handbags models.
source: www.google.com
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