There are times when life grabs our attention dramatically. An economic downturn, a health crisis, or professional setback are all events that spark an emotional and active response. It’s often only when we encounter obstacles such as these that we look deeply within ourselves, value what’s truly important to us, and strive to create a more fulfilling life. But according to Sheila Radha Conrad, a life counselor, speaker, and writer, we can create a prosperous and wonderful life everyday. Here, Conrad offers her expert advice on how self-awareness and confidence give us the freedom to create and enjoy the life we’re after.
Know Your Goals
The first step to creating more prosperity is understanding what it means to you. Each of us measure prosperity differently. While some associate money with prosperity, others believe traveling brings the most happiness in life. What gives you joy or makes you feel successful? When do you feel like you’ve succeeded? Tip #1: Make a list of things you would need to feel prosperous in your life. By writing out your ideas, you’re taking the first practical step to achieving them. Once on paper, they’re no longer thoughts but actions you’re willing to take.
Believe In Yourself
To create prosperity, you must also be aware of what is limiting you. Contrary to what you might think, it’s often your own beliefs that are the biggest obstacles. Through heightened self-awareness (an awareness of your body, mind, and emotions), you can get in touch with your inner thoughts and find out what is really holding you back. Tip #2: Next to the list of things you need to create prosperity in your life, write why you don’t feel you can achieve them. What we believe about ourselves, conscious or unconscious, comes across in our actions. Conrad asserts that while we’re all victims of our own inner judgment and belief, we can change them, and this ultimately changes our behavior.
Take the First Step
Once you know your goals and you believe that you can achieve them, it’s time to make a move. According to Conrad, “Awareness without action is just another good idea.” Tip #3: To bring that good idea into reality, write down and say out loud actions you are willing to do to create prosperity in your life. When you do so, you engage your senses, which helps those thoughts stay with you quicker and for longer periods of time. By speaking aloud your intended actions, you bring them into your conscious mind so you can act on them.
Conrad also stresses the importance of listening to yourself and how your body responds as you carry out your steps to create prosperity. Along the way, be sure to ask, “Am I being true to myself?” Then listen to your body and acknowledge how it responds. If you realize you’re not willing to take the necessary steps right now to create the prosperity you want, it’s ok! The goal isn’t to be something other than what you want; it’s about finding what’s important to you. As you gain clarity and understanding, you use it to see your actions as something right or wrong for you. When you accept yourself without judgment, you bring continual growth, joy, and prosperity into your life.
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