Life is God’s greatest gift to people. It is a manifestation of HIS love for us. The only way by which we can show our gratitude to Him is to constantly improve the quality
of life that we have. It also pleases God to see that we value the gift of life he gave to others.
Human life is a gift of God. This life comes from God and belongs to God. Life is the root of human existence. It is irreplaceable and unique.
If life is a gift from God, it must be treasured, cared for, and respected to all moments. Every human being is God’s creature. He has given man life because He loves man. He wants man to experience and enjoy the rest of His creation and know His goodness.
Since life is a gift, man has a right to it. And with this right is a corresponding duty to preserve and develop our lives and life of others. All persons therefore are stewards of life. A steward is a person who is given the responsibility to take care of something for someone else. This means that everyone should consider only those acts that are good for him/her and others. This includes trying to improve the kind of life one has thinking of good ways to be happy and useful to others. The task of protecting life is the task of everyone.
Our actions, the way we treat ourselves and others reflect how much importance we give to life and to God who gave us life. We must develop life by using our talents to the fullest for the good of others and ourselves. We must use these talents to help others in developing and using their talents as well.
Every life is precious because it speaks of God’s special love for man.
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