Pray for Purpose in Life

Many of our problems come from within our own minds. They aren’t caused by events, bad luck, or other people. We cause them through our own poor mental habits. Here are 10 habits you should set aside right away to free yourself from the many problems each one will be causing you.
  • Stop jumping to conclusions. There are two common ways this habit increases people’s difficulties. First, they assume that they know what is going to happen, so they stop paying attention and act on their assumption instead. Human beings are lousy fortune-tellers. Most of what they assume is wrong. That makes the action wrong too. The second aspect of this habit is playing the mind-reader and assuming you know why people do what they do or what they’re thinking. Wrong again, big time. More relationships are destroyed by this particular kind of stupidity than by any other.
  • Don’t dramatize. Lots of people inflate small setbacks into life-threatening catastrophes and react accordingly. This habit makes mountains out of molehills and gives people anxieties that either don’t exist or are so insignificant they aren’t worth worrying about anyway. Why do they do it? Who knows? Maybe to make themselves feel and seem more important. Whatever the reason, it’s silly as well as destructive.
  • Don’t invent rules. A huge proportion of those “oughts” and “shoulds” that you carry around are most likely needless. All that they do for you is make you feel nervous or guilty. What’s the point? When you use these imaginary rules on yourself, you clog your mind with petty restrictions and childish orders. And when you try to impose them on others, you make yourself into a bully, a boring nag, or a self-righteous bigot.
  • Avoid stereotyping or labeling people or situations. The words you use can trip you up. Negative and critical language produces the same flavor of thinking. Forcing things into pre-set categories hides their real meaning and limits your thinking to no purpose. See what’s there. Don’t label. You’ll be surprised at what you find.
  • Quit being a perfectionist. Life isn’t all or nothing, black or white. Many times, good enough means exactly what it says. Search for the perfect job and you’ll likely never find it. Meanwhile, all the others will look worse than they are. Try for the perfect relationship and you’ll probably spend your life alone. Perfectionism is a mental sickness that will destroy all your pleasure and send you in search of what can never be attained.
  • Don’t over-generalize. One or two setbacks are not a sign of permanent failure. The odd triumph doesn’t turn you into a genius. A single event—good or bad—or even two or three don’t always point to a lasting trend. Usually things are just what they are, nothing more.
  • Don’t take things so personally. Most people, even your friends and colleagues, aren’t talking about you, thinking about you, or concerned with you at all for 99% of the time. The majority of folk in your organization or neighborhood have probably never heard of you and don’t especially want to. The ups and downs of life, the warmth and coldness of others, aren’t personal at all. Pretending that they are will only make you more miserable than is needed.
  • Don’t assume your emotions are trustworthy. How you feel isn’t always a good indicator of how things are. Just because you feel it, that doesn’t make it true. Sometimes that emotion comes from nothing more profound than being tired, hungry, annoyed, or about to get a head-cold. The future won’t change because you feel bad—nor because you feel great. Feelings may be true, but they aren’t the truth.
  • Don’t let life get you down. Keep practicing being optimistic. If you expect bad things in your life and work, you’ll always find them. A negative mind-set is like looking at the world through distorting, grimy lenses. You spot every blemish and overlook or discount everything else. It’s amazing what isn’t there until you start to look for it. Of course, if you decide to look for signs of positive things, you’ll find those too.
  • Don’t hang on to the past. This is my most important suggestion of all: let go and move on. Most of the anger, frustration, misery, and despair in this world come from people clinging to past hurts and problems. The more you turn them over in your mind, the worse you’ll feel and the bigger they’ll look. Don’t try to fight misery. Let go and move on. Do that and you’ve removed just about all its power to hurt you.
  • source:

The Mirror of Life

Often, we are so stuck in our old beliefs and patterns that we aren't able to see the changes we need to make. Even when we feel frustrated about our problems, we may not recognize what we need to learn to change things. That is why we need to use the mirror of life.

Everything in our lives reflects where we are in the process of developing integration and balance. We can use everything that happens externally as a mirror to help us see the areas within us that need healing and development. Whenever we have a problem, especially a recurring or chronic problem, it is always an arrow pointing directly to some aspect of our psyche where we need more awareness.

If we accept that life is always trying to teach us exactly what we need to learn, we can view everything that happens to us as a gift. Even experiences that are uncomfortable or painful contain within them an important key to our healing, wholeness, and prosperity.

We may have difficulty understanding what the mirror of life is trying to show us, but if we sincerely ask for the learning and the gift in every experience, it will be revealed to us one way or another.

One of the clearest reflections we have to work with is the one provided by our relationships. Everyone we attract into our life is a mirror for us in certain ways. All of our relationships -- our families, children, friends, co-workers, neighbors, pets, as well as our romantic partners -- reflect certain parts of us. How we feel with someone is usually an indication of how we feel about the parts of us that they mirror.

We all attract certain people into our life who have developed qualities opposite to the ones we are most identified with. In other words, they mirror our disowned selves, and we mirror theirs. These are often the most highly emotionally charged relationships. We either love them, hate them, or both! We feel very attracted to them, and/or very uncomfortable, judgmental, annoyed, or frustrated with them. The stronger the feelings, the more important a mirror they are for us. We have drawn them into our reality to show us something about what we need to develop in ourselves. The fact that we have such strong feelings (one way or another) toward them means that they are showing us a part of ourselves we need to acknowledge, accept, and integrate.

This does not mean we have to be with them or hold onto a harmful or inappropriate relationship. It just means that as long as they are in our lives, or even in our thoughts and feelings, we can use the relationship as a learning experience. It also does not mean we are supposed to become like them. They may carry an energy we need more of, but they may be too far to the opposite extreme, or they may express that energy in a distorted way.

Still, we can look for the positive essence in the opposite qualities they carry. For example, if you have been taught never to express any anger, you will probably at some point find yourself in relationship with a person who expresses their anger frequently and vehemently. Life is giving you a strong message that it's time for you to learn to acknowledge your own anger. It is not saying you have to become like this person and go around dumping your anger everywhere. Instead, you need to find the appropriate balance, learning how to assert yourself and stand up for yourself.

If you have strongly developed being energy but have difficulty taking action, you may find that someone important in your life is a compulsive doer who can't relax. Naturally, you don't want to go to that extreme, but this person is your teacher, to show you the energy of action that you need to develop. Of course, you are a teacher for them, as well, but it usually doesn't work very well to try to show the other person what they need to learn from you -- although we all succumb to this temptation. It works much better to concentrate on what we need to learn in the situation. Once we use the mirror to understand what we need, and actually do the work to develop a disowned self, the whole pattern of the relationship will shift.

If we are strongly identified with power, we will attract vulnerable, needy people. This mirror is reflecting our need to recognize and accept our own vulnerability. If and when we do that, the needy people in our lives will either become more empowered, or will move out of our lives. If we are overly vulnerable and disown power, we will find ourselves in a relationship with someone who uses power one way or another. We will feel overwhelmed, controlled, or victimized by them until we own our power, at which point the relationship will either dissolve or become more equal.

As I mentioned in the last chapter, we often seem to gravitate toward a romantic or business partner who has an opposite approach to financial management. If the difference is not too extreme, this can be a complementary and harmonious balance in which we appreciate and learn from each other's strengths. If we are highly polarized, however, it can be painful and frustrating, leading to a great deal of conflict and stress.

Still, it is a gift -- an opportunity to recognize how identified we are with one polarity and a chance to develop the opposite energy we need. Like any relationship issue, it requires that we communicate with one another, and be willing to listen and empathize with each other's feelings and perspective. If we feel stuck in our ability to communicate, it may be an appropriate time to call in a skilled third party -- a therapist, marriage counselor, or mediator -- to help us through. Personally, I find that most of us need help at certain times to get through the deep issues that are reflected in our intimate relationships.

The topic of relationships is a complex and fascinating subject, which I can only begin to touch on. Still, if you grasp the basic idea of how our relationships show us the next steps we need to take in our personal growth, you can begin to use your relationships as powerful guides on your path to true prosperity.

Handbags – always a must have

        Women have always had a soft spot for handbags. Big or little, black or brown, leather made or not, no matter how many handbags they have, they still aren’t enough. We always like to match them with our outfits and, give them that touch of elegance. Let’s not forget that bags don’t have only a beauty making purpose (as some would say) use as they are also an alternative to deposit all the women must have objects: the wallet, the make-up case, the cell-phone and many other things which utility men will never understand.
I have opened your appetite to see some handbags suggestions, haven’t I? In this case let’s proceed.
The first handbag I suggest you is a black or brown leather tote (both colors are available) adequate for daily use while going to work, for example, or to any other meetings. Having too pockets inside it, one for the cell phone too, it is very useful and roomy. You can match it with a pair of jeans but also with a casual dress as its buckles give it a young look.
For those of you who like to attract the attention and to be special no matter the occasion the following bag is the perfect alternative. No matter if you like vintage or hippie style, this bag offers you the possibility to attach it to many colorful outfits. I shall give you a suggestion: choose outfits with maximum two colors as the bag is already a real painting masterpiece. And avoid striped, flowered or colorful outfits. It will turn you into a total “flowers bouquet”. A beautiful hippie simple dress or a pair of vintage jeans will give you the necessary glimpse.
Cross-body bags have always been my soft spot. Perfect for a night out with friends at a terrace or in a club, cross-body bags are very cozy. This one is the perfect leather cross bag example, appropriate to almost any kind of outfits: jeans and a nice white t-shirt, a nice hippie dress, a sheer silk dress with some brown leather boots.
If you are looking for a sport high utility bag, this is the perfect alternative. A rock style bag because of the many zips and buckles which design it, it is perfect for a wild night out with friends. Jeans or leather pants next to a casual sport pair of black shoes help you make the perfect outfit.
A clutch is like the white shirt: it’s a must in every woman wardrobe. If you have to go to a special occasion (a wedding, a cocktail or dinner with your lover) this is the best choice. A black, polyester clutch, designed by simple elegant lines it suitable to all kind of elegant outfits. No matter if you wear trousers or dresses, this clutch will give you the elegant glimpse you need at any special occasion.
If you are looking for a clutch suited not only to evening outfits but also to a daily cocktail this is the perfect choice. Elegant but in a casual manner, made for daring women who love to attract the attention this clutch gives you the opportunity to remove the straps. It is available in many colors adequate to the outfit you have in mind to wear.
The above mentioned examples are only some suggestions so that you realize how much a handbag can change an outfit. Let your imagination fly and don’t be afraid to try daring handbags models.


10 things that frighten men

10 things that frighten men
Many of us consider that black nails and smoky eyes are always sexy. That’s not true. It may happen that things we consider as being attractive to men have the opposite effect to them. Let’s see a list with things that frighten men the most when it comes to girls:
1. “Super” hair
A man who likes caressing your hair with his fingers doesn’t appreciate at all feeling it tangled. Fixative combined with hair extensions may be too much for him. Boys prefer clean, soft hair.
2. Too much make-up
While we are preoccupied in hiding even the smallest imperfection by using make-up, men prefer it natural. Too much make-up will frighten them as they will ask themselves how will you look natural, without all these on your face. My advice: let your skin breathe.
3. Long nails
Imagine holding his hand and scratching him with your nails. Long nails are always scary so a medium nails length and French manicure will look better.
4. Thin eyebrows
Don’t thin your eyebrows too much because they will look funny. Keep them as natural as possible and change as little as possible their shape. Remove only the hairs that are in addition.
5. A weird make-up
Men aren’t always opened to nonconformist make-ups so try to avoid preparing him such surprises. He will surely not appreciate seeing you hidden under a weird make-up.
6. Extra sun-tan
What kind of men appreciates going out with a girl who is too basked in the sun? Avoid artificial tanning methods and be patient: a natural tan is always healthier than any other artificial method.
7. Shinning lips
Some gloss has always a nice effect on a girls’ look but don’t exaggerate. Men usually don’t appreciate lipsticks or any other cosmetic products that are used on lips, especially if they are used in excess. A little gloss should be enough.
8. Extra-perfume
A girl who smells well is always attractive. Things can turn the opposite if you use perfume in extra quantities; it can lead to nausea or headaches and I’m sure you don’t want to have these kinds of effects on men.
9. Invading his intimacy
Every girl wishes being invited to her boyfriend’s apartment, meeting his parents or relatives and, why not, spending as much time as possible at his place. It gives her a feeling of closeness and of extra intimacy, and it can be seen as a proof of commitment. But when you start invading his room with your own things (your personal pillow, your toothbrush and finally clothes) he may feel overwhelmed, menaced and he will suddenly feel the need to run. Men are very sensitive towards their intimate place as I’m sure each of us is.
10. Extravagant clothes
As much as men love sexy women, I’m sure that he won’t appreciate you being dressed up with extravagant clothes. I know you all want to look gorgeous when your boyfriend invites you to a romantic dinner but be careful not to exaggerate. You wouldn’t like him to feel ashamed while hearing other men’s whistling you, would you?
Remember these 10 tips and you will surely avoid any shameful situations.


5 Great Ways To Bond With Your Children

In order to build a strong bond with your children, it is important to make your family a priority. Although it can seem difficult to get together for dinner every night, it is a hurdle that you should be determined to overcome. Your schedules are busy -- work, school, dance practice, soccer games -- but your kids grow up too fast to let your hectic routines get in the way of quality time as a family unit. "Can't" has to be omitted from your vocabulary. You CAN have dinner together, and you will be glad that you did because sometimes it can be the only time in a busy day that you get the opportunity to sneak away from the hustle bustle of life. Make dinner time special. Turn off the television. Sit at the dinner table, not on the couch. Everyone can help get ready so that mom doesn't get stuck playing the role of waitress while everyone else enjoys the meal. Have the kids set the table (never miss an opportunity to teach them some responsibility). Talk about your days. Ask your children about school. Everyone at the table could say what the best and worst parts of their day were. You will be surprised how much a simple sit-down dinner can keep you "in the know" with your kids.
Playing games with your children gives you the opportunity to have some good old-fashioned fun with the family. It also gives your kids the opportunity to see your more playful side. Charades is a great game for family hilarity. The non-verbal clues in charades force you to be goofy, no matter how old you are. Your kids will crack up watching you act silly and childlike. Monopoly is another great family game, as long as your kids are old enough to understand the rules (usually at about 8 years old). For one, everyone will have their "lucky" player piece, such as the dog or the shoe. Also, it is a long game, and you will find that there is plenty of time to talk to each other while you play. Twister is another classic, because everyone will crack up at the tangled and contorted positions that mom and dad have to get into. A relatively new board game is Cranium, which combines charades, drawing, word puzzles, clay sculpting, and trivia. This is a great option for family game night because it has something for everyone, and it is played in teams. Having a game night gives you the chance to show your kids that you aren't always serious and "parent-like." They will see the fun and funny side of you, which will give you a closer and more well-rounded relationship overall. Plus, you are making memories together and forming traditions.
Your kids are individuals, so unless you have an only-child, it is important to make set aside one-on-one time with each kid. You might go to dinner with your daughter once a month, just the three off you. You could take your son to the batting cages. You could bring your history-loving child to a museum, and take the dancer-kid to a ballet. Spending time with each child will make them feel special, and it will build their confidence in themselves. Also, you should give the kids alone time with mom and dad separately. Sometimes it can be easier for a child to talk about certain things with mom that they wouldn't want to with dad, and vice versa. For example, a girl usually wants to talk to mom about boys and clothes. A boy might want to talk to dad alone about dating and sports. If you only spend time as a family unit, then you will be missing out on special bonds that can only be formed with one-on-one time.
Sometimes children forget that their parents are human beings. If you tell your kids stories about your childhood and life experiences, then they will be able to get to know you better, and they will be able to relate to you more. Tell your kids about some of your memories from school, family vacations, etc. Tell them about your first date, your first school dance, your first summer job, etc. If you share your stories, they will feel more comfortable sharing theirs. Never pass up an opportunity to relate to your kids. Don't be afraid to tell your children about mistakes that you made. The last thing you want your kids to think is that you are and were perfect. If they think that, then they will be very intimidated about telling you about mistakes that they make. You can teach them that making mistakes is part of life, and you can also teach them to share their feelings rather than bottling them up. Good communication is key, and story-telling will build your communication.
Sometimes parents are too quick to reprimand their children for bad choices. Instead of jumping into a lecture, always give your child the opportunity to state their case. It will help you to understand their motives, and you will be able to say something in response that addresses their rationale. This doesn't mean that they will argue their way out of a punishment; it just shows them that you respect them enough to let them speak their mind. You should be more interested in understanding your children than in punishing them. If you listen to them, then they will be more likely to listen to you. If you don't give them the opportunity to speak, then they will not listen to you when you do. All relationships are give-take, and that includes parent-child relationships. You will bond with your child and make breakthroughs if you listen to each other and respect each other.

The art of good gift giving

Gift-giving these days is a lost art. There is nothing more satisfying than receiving an unexpected gift, but the custom has fallen out of favor in our modern times of ultra-convenience where we can have anything we want in an instant. In ancient times gift-giving was the cornerstone of all social etiquette, from kings and queens (forging diplomatic new alliances with other nations), all the way down to the farmers and peasants (expressing thanks to God).
A good, well-chosen gift is in many ways the ultimate act of appreciation – it shows your friends, partners and family that you pay close attention to the things they say and do, whilst giving you the opportunity to express your own personality. When we wistfully think back to our previous relationships, we often most vividly recall the gifts – that surprise city break to Paris, that necklace he bought that you would never buy yourself, that mix-tape she made when you first met.
But gift-giving is not easy. Some are a lot better at it than others. There’s always one person in every family who outshines the rest every Christmas with their thoughtfully conceived and beautifully wrapped presents. The mere existence of such people may cause the rest of us to suffer from major cases of ‘gift anxiety’ – the crippling fear that what you purchase will be rejected.
With new relationships it’s even harder, as there’s more at stake. A poorly judged personalised shower cap for your almost-bald uncle is never going to change the fact that he’s your blood relative, but for us singles an error on that scale could mean the difference between a bright new relationship and never seeing your date again.
Worry not. Gift giving is less of a technical skill than a personal outlook, and it doesn’t require lots of money to do it well. It’s an extremely useful thing to learn if you’re looking to build a new relationship.. This is especially true of online dating – a carefully chosen gift works beautifully in translating the mutual attraction between two online personas into the mutual attraction between two real human beings. The best gift givers also tend to be excellent listeners and observers of people, making them ideal relationship material.
Luckily, if you want to give good gifts you will, and if you really care, it will show. If you treat gift giving as a necessity, as an obligation, you will give bad gifts and appear disinterested (because you are). Think of it like the secret to a good Facebook status update – the best ones just occur to you, with minimum effort, but if you’re really trying to think of something when you don’t have much to say, you’ll probably embarrass yourself, or just annoy others.
With some patience and love (and a knack for shopping), gift giving will become an enjoyable and useful part of your life, strengthening existing relationships and forging new ones.
So how does one go about becoming a good gift giver?
1. Give them what they want
DON’T superimpose your ideas of what you like onto your date. Gift giving isn’t about you and the life you think your date is missing. If you like bowling, it doesn’t mean your date will necessarily appreciate it, or the top-of-the-range bowling ball you bought them.
Paying close attention is the key to finding appropriate gifts. If your date mentions a book that they’ve been dying to read, make a mental note. If your date makes a comment about their favorite dessert, jot it down in a notebook. Having this information will make gift buying easier and better.
2. Be specific
DON’T waste time and money on something generic, like socks or book tokens. These gifts are bland and overdone and will speak poorly about you as a character. Even if this is a first date, and you barely know what to expect, use your imagination and don’t resort to clichés. Try to think of a gift that is geared specifically toward the particular event, or playfully subvert the norm (e.g., rather than give your date a dozen roses – she would expect that – get her a vintage brooch with a rose on it). A good gift stands out.
3. Never buy anything your date will buy for themselves
DON’T buy something for someone that they could and will probably buy for themselves. Cheap, popular items, such as bestselling books and the latest DVD releases are to be avoided – if your date wants these things they can get them easily any day of the week on the high street or on Amazon.
The best gifts are not always the most obvious, so you have to pay close attention to hunt them down. When searching through magazines, travelling abroad, or wandering through a favourite store, be alert for gift ideas. The best gift givers go out of their way to look at everything as a potential idea for a gift – this is often what makes their gifts so unique and unusual.
4. Keep to a budget
DON’T spend more than the other person would be prepared to spend. Try to roughly match the price with what you’re likely to get in return. Spending too much on a date looks as though you’re trying to buy their affection, and is embarrassing for the other person. On the other hand, spending too little will come across as cold and ungenerous.
Money is one of the top reasons that couples split, primarily due to discomfort when talking about it, so agree on a similar budget. It’s the sentiment that counts, but an imbalance in the cost of your presents will cause problems later if unaddressed.
5. A gift is as good as its wrapping
DON’T skip on the presentation. All gifts – be they from Liberty or a charity shop – can be made more exciting with a personal presentation. Everyone loves the act of unwrapping a present. This may be even to the point where they forget about the present, so immersed as they are in the pleasure of untying ribbon and ripping paper. As a child, my most memorable gift was a couple of inexpensive toys buried inside a never-ending nest of boxes, wrapped in colourful paper, with sweets and hidden messages hidden in between the layers.
Some elaborate presentation is visually striking, affordable and an excellent opportunity for flirting. Turn the act of gift giving into a game with your date. Wrap your gift in a different shaped box, or a nest of boxes as described above, and tease them into guessing what it is. Prolong the excitement all evening and until your partner can’t bear to wait any longer.
6. Keep it simple
DON’T come on too strong. The hard sell has never been attractive. If you’re still in the early stages of dating, then your gifts should reflect that: a bottle of wine, flowers, a journal, chocolates, that sort of thing. Be wary of leaping straight in with the “I love you”s – at this level of a relationship, keep it simple.
7. Giving gifts is optional
DON’T feel obliged to give gifts. Gifts are special because they happen unexpectedly, only every now and again. Nothing particularly has to merit a gift, that’s why they’re special. And if someone gives you a gift, they’re not looking for something in return (if they are, they’re not a real friend). They’re meant to be a pleasant surprise. If you set a precedent for constant gift giving, you crush all the fun out of it.

How to Create Prosperity in Your Life

There are times when life grabs our attention dramatically. An economic downturn, a health crisis, or professional setback are all events that spark an emotional and active response. It’s often only when we encounter obstacles such as these that we look deeply within ourselves, value what’s truly important to us, and strive to create a more fulfilling life. But according to Sheila Radha Conrad, a life counselor, speaker, and writer,  we can create a prosperous and wonderful life everyday. Here, Conrad offers her expert advice on how self-awareness and confidence give us the freedom to create and enjoy the life we’re after.

Know Your Goals
The first step to creating more prosperity is understanding what it means to you. Each of us measure prosperity differently. While some associate money with prosperity, others believe traveling brings the most happiness in life. What gives you joy or makes you feel successful? When do you feel like you’ve succeeded? Tip #1: Make a list of things you would need to feel prosperous in your life. By writing out your ideas, you’re taking the first practical step to achieving them. Once on paper, they’re no longer thoughts but actions you’re willing to take.

Believe In Yourself
To create prosperity, you must also be aware of what is limiting you. Contrary to what you might think, it’s often your own beliefs that are the biggest obstacles. Through heightened self-awareness (an awareness of your body, mind, and emotions), you can get in touch with your inner thoughts and find out what is really holding you back. Tip #2: Next to the list of things you need to create prosperity in your life, write why you don’t feel you can achieve them. What we believe about ourselves, conscious or unconscious, comes across in our actions. Conrad asserts that while we’re all victims of our own inner judgment and belief, we can change them, and this ultimately changes our behavior.

Take the First Step
Once you know your goals and you believe that you can achieve them, it’s time to make a move. According to Conrad, “Awareness without action is just another good idea.” Tip #3: To bring that good idea into reality, write down and say out loud actions you are willing to do to create prosperity in your life. When you do so, you engage your senses, which helps those thoughts stay with you quicker and for longer periods of time. By speaking aloud your intended actions, you bring them into your conscious mind so you can act on them.

Conrad also stresses the importance of listening to yourself and how your body responds as you carry out your steps to create prosperity. Along the way, be sure to ask, “Am I being true to myself?” Then listen to your body and acknowledge how it responds. If you realize you’re not willing to take the necessary steps right now to create the prosperity you want, it’s ok! The goal isn’t to be something other than what you want; it’s about finding what’s important to you. As you gain clarity and understanding, you use it to see your actions as something right or wrong for you. When you accept yourself without judgment, you bring continual growth, joy, and prosperity into your life.

Get Rid Of Pimples

How To get Rid Of Blemishes (Pimples)
face blemish clean photo CLEAN! Get Glowing!
Wash your face with a gentle, oil- and fragrance-free cleanser; preferably a nondetergent one labeled pH balanced.
If you have oily skin all over your face, use a cleanser that contains benzoil peroxide or salicylic acid.
Don't scrub - irritated skin  swells around the pores, which can cause breakouts.
Skip toner unless your face is very oily, otherwise it might dry out the skin.

face treat photo TREAT!
Apply a topical acne treatment containing benzoyl peroxide, glycolic acid, or salicylic acid over your entire face, not just where blemishes have already erupted.
At night, use a drying spot-treatment product and dab oil-free moisturizer on dry areas.
In the morning, apply an oil-free sunscreen gel over the entire face.

face conceal photo CONCEAL!
Use a small makeup brush to dab concealer or cream foundation (in the exact same shade as your skin) directly onto the blemish. Use a fingertip to wipe away excess concealer around the blemish and, if necessary, apply another coat of concealer.
If the makeup becomes cakey, carefully wipe it off and start over. gently brush powder (in the exact same shade as your skin) on top of the concealer. 

Tricks Of The Trade:
* If you have oily skin and feel that you need toner, apply it only on the T-zone, and rinse it off afterward (leaving it on can dry the skin turn back the clock). Use a clay mask as often as every three days to absorb excess oil.
* To stop redness and swelling in an emergency situation (job interview, wedding), ask your doctor for a cortisone injection. It calms down a pimple almost instantly.
* If you can't get to your dermatologist (or needles make you squemish), temporarily reduce redness and swelling by dabbing on a drop of drugstore cortisone cream, Preparation H, or Vasocon-A eyedrops.

The Beauty Foods

What To Eat Each Day For Looks And Health
Apple Cider Vinegar
Beside having amazing healing properties, apple cider vinegar keeps skin supple. It's heavy concentration of enzymes helps peel off dead skin cells. It breaks down fat and helps food digest properly.
Maintain the outer layer of the skin to prevent premature aging. What you'll find in is the same as you'll get in Retin A. 

To ensure a happy smile, add a slice or two of hard cheeese into your diet. Choose Swiss, cheddar, or gouda to block bacteria in the mouth and prevent cavities. 

Citrus Fruits
Hold the skin cells together by forming collagen. Collagen cannot be added to the skin topically, which is why fruits and fruit juices are such an important part of the daily diet. 

Keep urinary tract lining healthy. 

Helps combat wrinkles and restores tissue. 

Nonfat Yogurt
High in calcium, which keeps your smile white and your teeth cavity-free. 

Sweet Potatoes Vitamin A is known to be a remarkable anti-wrinkling agent. Sweet potatoes are full of this important vitamin. The pleasing results is clearer, smoother skin. 

These "love apples" will keep you loving your skin. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium. 

Wheat Germ
If you want to get rid of pimples quickly and efficiently, make sure to include two or three tablespoons a day in your diet. Add it to cereal, yogurt, and cottage cheese.
You should choose foods that you enjoy, of course, but you need to include the following: 

Three to five servings daily. Try to include one serving of raw, leafy greens. 

Have no more than three three ounce servings a day. Cut off all fat. Try to make two servings of turkey or chicken. One serving of fish a day is ideal. 

Two to three servings daily. A 1/2 cup of chopped or sliced fruit is a serving. Fruit salad

At least two servings daily. A serving would be eight ounces of milk or yogurt.

Salad dressing, cooking oil, butter, and mayonnaise should be limited to two servings a day. 


How to achieve and maintain a healthy head of beautiful hair.

Three main things are needed for a good-looking head of hair - haute hair - good health, the right attention to cleanliness, and caution when using cosmetic treatments. 

1. Adequate Diet
Hair growth depends on an adequate diet. A widespread diet problem which causes loss of hair is iron deficiency Anemia. The cause is too little iron in blood, brought on by a diet containing too little meat, eggs, cereals or peas and beans. Fresh fruits and vegetables are also needed to provide vitamin C, which enables the body to absorb iron. 

2. Cutting the hair
Although cutting the hair is not essential to its well-being, it is easier to keep the scalp clean if the hair is kept reasonably short. Regular cutting does not make the hair grow strong or faster. 

3. How hair can be damaged
Although scalp hair is hardy, and can withstand a lot of abuse, it can be damaged by too much or inexpertly applied perming, dyeing - Blonde to Brunette, bleaching and massage. The amount of beautying the hair can take varies from person to person. Occasionally the scalp is allergic to the dye and becomes inflamed and swollen. To prevent this occuring, the dye should be tested by applying it to a small area on the arm. If a patch of inflammation has developed, the dye must not be used on the hair.
Most people who bleach their hair do so with hydrogen peroxide. If the peroxide is repeatedly applied, it may make the hair brittle. Hair SOS If this happens the hair may turn rough, develop split ends, or become thinned or shortened.

Most of us think we have this all down pat, but for all we know, we might be wrong. After all, we have been washing our hair all our lives. How could we go wrong with something like washing our hair? However, we might be washing our hair the wrong way and contribute to its damage without actually knowing it.
What we should remember about our hair is that the individual strands of our hair, no matter how thick or strong it looks, is actually very delicate. So we cannot just tug and pull at it, or else it would break. We would not want to have hair breakage, would we?
So, what is the right way of washing the hair?
The first thing you should do is to comb the tangles out of the hair before you wet it so the hair would wash easily and the tangles would not worsen. And then, wet your hair thoroughly under the shower. You can use either warm or cold water if you like, but for best results, you can wet your hair with warm water to open the scale-like cuticles of the hair and wash all the oil and dirt off. And then, you can rinse your hair with cold water afterwards to close the cuticles and add to the shine of your hair.
Rinse your hair under the shower to rid it of the leave-on conditioner and styling aids you have used previously, using gentle strokes of your fingertips. Then, pour a dollop of shampoo in the palm of your hand. Rub your hands together, and then apply the shampoo to your scalp. Take note that you should put the shampoo on your scalp and not at the ends of your hair, as the shampoo would dry your hair's ends and cause it to weaken and split. Also, do not mix your hair all over your head as you shampoo because it will get all tangled up. After this, rinse the shampoo off.
More often than not, we need to shampoo our hair for a second time. The purpose of the first shampoo is to clean the oil and dirt off; the second shampoo is supposed to let the shampoo treat our hair. So, repeat the process, but let the shampoo sit on for around a couple of minutes. Rinse the hair completely after this.
To get the excess water off your hair, just squeeze the water out. Do not pull or tug at the hair because the hair is at its most delicate when it is soaked. When the excess water is out, apply a dollop of conditioner - mane event - and apply it along the hairline, the nape and the ends of the hair. Pile your hair then inside a shower cap and let the conditioner stay there for around ten minutes. And then, rinse it off completely.
The process described here does seem tedious and time-consuming. But remember, having great hair takes time and effort. And it is definitely worth it for a picture perfect hair